OLM INTERNATIONAL JOB PLACEMENT CORP., is duly POEA registered corporation engaged in the deployment of professional, skilled and semi-skilled manpower in overseas countries. Major countries currently being serviced are Hong Kong, Malaysia, Cyprus, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
OLM INTERNATIONAL JOB PLACEMENT CORP. prides itself in the level of skills it has deployed in other countries. These skills include medical staff, professionals, construction workers, mechanical, electrical, factory worker, and domestic helpers, etc. in the case of Hong Kong, Cyprus, Malaysia deployment, which are primarily domestic helpers, the prospective applicants are given seminars and actual on-the-job training to enhance their skills. This usually takes 2-3 week of actual household chores training. For Taiwan primarily caregivers, caretakers and factory workers . Skilled manpower such as heavy equipment operators, mechanics, aircon technicians, pipefitters, welders, electricians and others are properly screened by the company’s Professional Consultants before being interviewed by the Principals and undergo trade testing. Read more…